While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
Небо не для нас...Нам не дано летать...и все что мы можем - это постараться не падать... (с)
летом народ купается, я точно в температурах не разбираюсь, но я видела что люди купались. для меня холодная, яменьше чем 22-23 в воду не лезу, а там наверно около 13-15...)))
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
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